Drain Cleaning – How to Get Rid of Clogged Drains

Drain Cleaning is an important part of your home maintenance. It helps to prevent clogs and keep your house free of foul smells.

Drain Cleaning

Many people use liquid drain cleaners. However, these chemicals can damage your pipes and are harmful to the environment. There are several ways to clean your drains, including using enzymes and bacteria. Visit https://www.draincleaningphiladelphia.com/ to learn more.

Most reputable plumbers strongly advise against the use of chemical drain cleaners. The harsh chemicals they contain can corrode and damage pipes, especially older metal ones. They can also emit harmful fumes that can irritate the nose, throat and lungs. Repeated exposure can lead to headaches, and in severe cases, can even cause brain damage.

Chemical drain openers contain caustic soda or sodium hydroxide, which create a chemical reaction when they come into contact with organic material in clogged pipes. Caustic cleaners work well on hair, food and other solid debris. Oxidizers, which contain bleach, peroxides or nitrates, release heat and oxidize organic materials to break them down. They can be effective on many types of clogs, but do not work as well on fats, oils and grease (FOG).

All chemical drain cleaners produce hazardous by-products during the cleaning process. These include cyanide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen chloride, which can be released into the air, causing irritation to the nose, throat, lungs and eyes. They can also corrode and weaken pipes, particularly older ones made of copper or galvanized steel.

Most liquid chemical drain cleaners are corrosive, so they can also irritate skin and damage clothing or household items. They can also be dangerous to pets and children, so should only be used in well-ventilated areas. If you do choose to use chemical drain cleaners, read all warnings and instructions carefully, and follow them to the letter. It is always best to try natural methods of unclogging a drain first, but these cleaners can be useful in emergency situations. Just make sure to call a professional plumber as soon as possible afterward, to ensure that the pipes have not been damaged.


A plunger is one of the most useful hand tools for clearing clogged drains. It’s cheap, easy to use and far better than chemical drain cleaners, which are corrosive and poisonous. The plunger requires a certain level of skill to properly work, however. The key to success is forming a good seal around the drain opening to generate both positive and negative pressure forces that dislodge the clog. There are a variety of different plungers available, and some types work more effectively than others.

The most common type is a standard sink plunger, also known as a cup plunger. It has a straight handle with a simple rubber cup at the end. This kind of plunger works well on most drains, including shower and tub drains, but not toilets, which require a special tool called a toilet plunger or closet plunger.

If you’re using a standard sink plunger, it’s important to make sure the cup is fully submerged in water. This helps the plunger form a tight seal and increases suction. You can add more water if necessary, but you shouldn’t add so much that the plunger is difficult to hold in place. It’s also important to maintain your plunger by cleaning it regularly. Use a disinfectant spray or a bleach solution to kill bacteria and prevent mold and mildew growth. Always rinse the plunger well after each use and let it air dry completely before storing it.

If the plunger fails to clear a clogged drain, it may be time to try a larger tool such as a drain snake. These devices are typically used for more complex clogs, such as those that involve a tree root or a large amount of debris.

Wire Hangers

If you don’t have a plumber’s snake or other professional drain-clearing tools, the first thing that comes to mind is pulling out that old wire coat hanger lurking in your closet. Sure, it isn’t as effective as a professional tool but this simple DIY hack can work wonders for clogged drains. It can dislodge hairballs and gunk that have settled inside the drain pipe, allowing you to pull it out with ease.

The idea is that you straighten the hanger and then bend one end slightly to form a small handle or hook. Using needle-nose pliers, remove the hook and use it to fish out whatever is stuck in your shower drain.

It can be a bit messy, but it’s effective and inexpensive. Just make sure you don’t push any hair or gunk back down the drain, which could create a bigger problem in the long run.

Another option is to combine baking soda and vinegar. Mix 1/3 cup of baking soda with 1/3 cup of white vinegar and pour it down the drain. It will fizz and break down the gunk that’s accumulated in your drain, especially if you let it sit for about an hour or so.

Then, you can either rinse the drain or flush it with hot water. It won’t clear the most serious clogs, but it should help with hair and other light material. If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to call the professionals in Toronto to deal with the underlying issue that’s causing your drain to clog.

Baking Soda & Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are common household products that can effectively break down food waste, oil, hair, coffee grounds and other substances that cause drain blockages. They are also a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to chemical drain cleaners, which can damage pipes and harm aquatic life.

The basic baking soda and vinegar cleaning process involves pouring a large pot of scalding hot water down the drain to loosen any gunky residue, then mixing equal parts of baking soda and white vinegar down the drain. The resulting chemical reaction produces foam that helps dislodge and break down the clogs. After the mixture has sat and fizzed for about 30 minutes, you can flush it with more hot water. Repeat as necessary until the drain is free of debris and flowing freely.

You can prevent a clogged sink drain from happening in the first place by pouring one cup of distilled white vinegar down your drain every week. This will help dissolve any grease or grime that might be accumulating, and will keep your drains smelling fresh.

If you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn clog, try adding a tablespoon of cream of tartar to your baking soda and vinegar mixture. The acid in the vinegar will help break down any stubborn clogs that might be blocking your drain. You can also use a combination of lemon juice and cream of tartar to create a paste that you can apply directly down your drain, then wait a few minutes and flush with boiling hot water. Other homemade baking soda-based clog removers include using borax and washing soda to make an abrasive cleaning solution that you can apply directly down your drain, and even making a simple yet effective mixture of brewed coffee and baking soda to deodorize and clean your drains.

Biological Cleaners

Bio drain cleaners are a natural alternative to chemical drain cleaners, as they do not contain any harsh chemicals that can wreak havoc on your pipes or pose a risk to your family. Instead, they use the power of bacteria to break down organic buildup and clogs. These natural products are also safe for septic systems and work to prevent future clogs from forming.

Many types of biological cleaners are available in liquid form, which you simply pour down the drain to clean out a clog. They work by releasing enzymes that digest organic waste particles, such as hair, soap scum, grease, paper and food scraps. These products are typically slow-acting and may require overnight to work, but they are gentle on pipes and won’t cause any corrosion.

The best biological drain cleaners, such as Bio-Clean, are delivered in powder form to retain their potency and maximize effectiveness. This septic-safe product releases billions of naturally occurring bacteria and enzymes that begin eating away at the waste buildup on the inside of your pipes. These microbes change the organic waste into water, carbon dioxide and mineral ash that are harmlessly flushed out of your system. With regular maintenance treatments, this product will keep your drains flowing freely and prevent new organic waste from building up.

If you’re looking for a powerful and effective biological drain cleaner, this product is the best on the market. It’s safe for all drain types and pipe materials, including PVC. Like most septic-safe drain cleaners, it requires periodic treatments to maintain a clear and fully functional plumbing system. It takes less time to work than most liquid drain cleaners, and it has a pleasant smell.